Examine API integration trends in the enterprise by Mala Ramakrishnan

clip_image002API integration is attracting considerable interest from enterprise architects and is a hot topic at the Oracle OpenWorld Conference in San Francisco this week. We caught up with Mala Ramakrishnan, director of product marketing at Oracle, who provided her view on how API integration trends are affecting the enterprise.

What are some of the important trends in API integration tools that you see?

Mala Ramakrishnan: There is a move to broaden the development community beyond IT to include mobile application developers, non-IT line-of-business application developers and thrd-party application developers — mobile and on-premise[s]. Customers are expecting API management tools to offer community building so developers can collaborate on design and usability of APIs and improve the developer experience to discover, test and track their use of APIs. Read the complete article here.

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Oracle HealthCare Integration by Mala Ramakrishnan

Being able to exchange data among internal applications as well as with external partners and government agencies has always been a difficult task. Lacking a comprehensive integration strategy, many organizations find themselves creating new or customized solutions for each new business challenge. This splintered approach invariably leads to a heterogeneous environment that is difficult to manage and costly to operate – which is why a large percentage of IT budgets are spent on interoperability-related projects.

In the healthcare arena, one of the reasons for these difficulties stems from increasingly stringent regulations. Federal data initiatives arising from the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Public Health Information Network (PHIN), and the National Health Information Network (NHIN) all dictate how data must be formatted, archived and exchanged throughout its lifecycle. The Medicare Modernization Act and the Medicare Information Technology Architecture (MMA and MITA), Regional Health Information Organization (RHIO) initiatives, Health Information Exchanges (HIE), and continually evolving FDA safety laws also influence the way organizations in this dynamic industry must exchange data – adding additional confusion and complexity for health care organizations.

Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration is part of a comprehensive middleware environment designed to correlate data points, link applications, and comply with the myriad challenges of this highly regulated, data-intensive industry. Smoothing data interchange helps streamline every phase of the healthcare lifecycle – from initiation, eligibility, and enrollment to service delivery, program analysis, and reporting.

In this screencast, Anant Kadiyala, VP of Technology Services from TechDemocracy helps us understand the challenges underlying the healthcare industry and how Oracle SOA Suite for Healthcare Integration is positioned to help organizations succeed in this space. Oracle’s mature middleware tools help providers to interface clinical and administrative systems as they share information, both internally among departments as well as externally with other providers and insurance carriers. This level of automation makes it easier to respond to citizens, to meet federal requirements, and to adhere to popular industry standards. Watch the video here.

SOA & BPM Partner Community

For regular information on Oracle SOA Suite become a member in the SOA & BPM Partner Community for registration please visit www.oracle.com/goto/emea/soa (OPN account required) If you need support with your account please contact the Oracle Partner Business Center.

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Responding in Real-Time with Big Data By Mala Ramakrishnan

For an organization to respond in real-time it needs to acquire or develop systems that can respond in real-time. Such systems need to be able to rapidly determine that a response is required and determine also what the appropriate and relevant response should be – they need to decide when and how to act. These kinds of decision-making systems are known as Decision Management Systems. To ensure that a response is delivered in real-time, more event-centric Decision Management Systems are required.

High-volume, high-speed front-line decisions must increasingly be made in real-time with big data and analytics that are actionable and operational. Oracle Event Processing and Oracle Real Time Decisions are core components of a solution that allows organizations to detect rapidly changing situations from massive volumes of high velocity data to make optimal, real-time business decisions.

Come to this webcast to hear James Taylor, CEO of Decision Management Solutions, discuss his latest research on why real-time responses must detect, analyze and act with greater automation. Watch the webcast on-demand here.

SOA & BPM Partner Community

For regular information on Oracle SOA Suite become a member in the SOA & BPM Partner Community for registration please visit www.oracle.com/goto/emea/soa (OPN account required) If you need support with your account please contact the Oracle Partner Business Center.

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Push Fast Data to the Edge by Mala Ramakrishnan

Oracle Event ProcessingOracle today announced the availability of Oracle Event Processing for Oracle Java Embedded, a smaller footprint version of Oracle Event Processing (OEP) tailored for deployment on gateways. This can change the game plan for your organization’s responsiveness by harnessing Fast Data.

With an increase in the number of mobile devices and the ubiquity of high speed connectivity, we are entering an era where organizations can change their game plan with responsiveness. There is an explosion of data generated by mobile devices – not just cell phones, but large volumes of data coming from implementations such as industrial and building control, e-health, smart grid and home automation that need support for edge devices like wireless modules for Machine to Machine communication (M2M) and environmental sensors. However to be responsive, this large volume of high velocity data from varied sources has to be converted to actionable insight. In addition this data loses relevance with time. Fast Data is taking meaningful action on this large volume of data as it gets generated.

Oracle Event Processing for Oracle Java Embedded allows embedding OEP on gateways. This allows embedding intelligence to filter and correlate the data as it occurs, as close to the devices as possible. Oracle Event Processing for Oracle Java Embedded will provide companies the ability to handle massive volume and growth of data coming from edge devices by processing data closer to the source.

In addition to this capacity to embed a lightweight event processing engine on gateways, OEP provides flexible deployment options: standalone, integrated as part of the Oracle SOA stack as well as on embedded devices. This gives you a versatile, high performing event processing engine that can be deployed just about anywhere to process fast data.

To learn more visit us at Oracle Event Processing and to understand more on Fast Data watch our webcast: Fast Data Solutions.

SOA & BPM Partner Community

For regular information on Oracle SOA Suite become a member in the SOA & BPM Partner Community for registration please visit www.oracle.com/goto/emea/soa (OPN account required) If you need support with your account please contact the Oracle Partner Business Center.

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